Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Summer Days

Yay! I love hot weather, and we've had plenty of that lately! On Sunday, I ran to the grocery store, leaving a sleeping baby home with her Daddy. When I got home, I found THIS picture stored on my digital camera.

Chris said he had to throw her in the tub to clean her up, she had popsicle EVERYWHERE! Oh well! Looks like she enjoyed it - plus this picture gives us a great view of her beautiful teeth! Only two so far... they sure are taking their time showing up!

Another sunny day last week, we took a walk to the park, and tested out the wagon that we (meaning Chris) FINALLY took out of the box and assembled. I was strolling behind these two and had to run home for the camera because I thought they were too cute!

Finally, this is a rose that was actually growing on a bush in our backyard. I'm glad I took the picture when I did, because now there isn't a bloom left on that plant! Hope we didn't kill it already! Yikes!

1 comment:

Vonn** said...

There is nothing more fun than watching a child have so much fun with food. Go Gabi!

You are definitely near the "City of Roses". It's beautiful!