Tuesday, April 11, 2006

On the Road Again...

This will probably be my last post for awhile. The movers are coming on Thursday to pack up our computer, along with all the rest of our stuff, so I'll be out of contact for awhile. We start our drive to the other side of the country on the 19th after Chris' graduation. This should be interesting - it's over 40 hours in the car with an 11 month old and everything we'll need for the next couple months while we house hunt and get settled. Yikes! We are not looking forward to the drive, but I can't wait to explore our new home! West Coast, here we come!!


Last Wednesday, my father-in-law and his fiancee arrived for a visit with Gabi. We had a nice visit and some fun adventures while they were here. We went to the zoo and then over the weekend we drove to Myrtle Beach. I was there for Spring Break when I was in college... let me tell you, it was quite a different experience with a baby in tow! Anyway... here are some of the pictures from their visit.

Hanging out with Grandpa at the zoo.

Me and Gabi with the elephants.

At the beach with Daddy.

Playing in the ocean

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today is my Dad's birthday, and I tried so hard to get a nice picture to send him - but SOMEBODY wouldn't cooperate!
First, she refused to look at the camera... the paper was way too interesting.

Then she got mad, because I was taking too many pictures...

After her bath, she was in a better mood, but wouldn't sit still...

Finally, blowing Grandpa a kiss and sending him a happy birthday wish!!

We miss you, Dad, and love you so much! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Cutest Thing Ever...

A trail of tiny footprints across my freshly vacuumed carpet.

I just put her to sleep and on my way back down the hallway I saw her tracks coming toward me. Sigh... I love that little cutie!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

My Baby

Okay, hardly a baby anymore... Here are her 9-month photos!

My Mom wore this red dress when she was a baby - and there are pictures of me and my sister in it as well. The walker is an antique that my Grandma used when she was a baby - its over 80 years old! Definitely not safe by today's standards - but still pretty cool!

Playing dress up! I love these pics!

This is my big girl with her baby cousin. So far, they are my Mom's only grandchildren. We coordinated their outfits and got this picture taken just for Grandma! Holding hands! So sweet!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Why and How

I've been thinking about starting one of these for a long time. Every time I see something or have an encounter that really makes me angry I think, "I should blog that!". But, silly me, I didn't have a blog... Until now! So although the main purpose of this blog is to keep the Grandparents, relatives and friends up-to-date on the happenings of our little one - this will also be my forum for venting about whatever winds me up for the day.

When I told my husband I wanted to start a blog, he was not very supportive. He's worried about privacy and security and all that. So, to ease his mind, I'm going to be rather vague about our location, his job, and I may change names to protect the innocent. Happy, Honey?? Don't worry! Those of you who know us will know who I'm talking about... And if you don't, there's probably a reason!

So... off we go!

The Title

When I was in college I belonged to a sorority. We had a song that was "our" song. Everytime it was played at a dance or party we would get in a big circle and dance and sing along. Kind of cheesy thinking about it now... but it was very important and meaningful at the time. The song still gives me a warm, fuzzy everytime I hear it and I think the lyrics still ring true in my life.

"These are days you'll remember. . . You are blessed and lucky".

I am blessed in so many ways, but most of all by my wonderful husband and beautiful little girl. This blog is about our family. I'm creating this to remember the craziness and the amazing whirlwind that is our life.