Saturday, April 01, 2006

Why and How

I've been thinking about starting one of these for a long time. Every time I see something or have an encounter that really makes me angry I think, "I should blog that!". But, silly me, I didn't have a blog... Until now! So although the main purpose of this blog is to keep the Grandparents, relatives and friends up-to-date on the happenings of our little one - this will also be my forum for venting about whatever winds me up for the day.

When I told my husband I wanted to start a blog, he was not very supportive. He's worried about privacy and security and all that. So, to ease his mind, I'm going to be rather vague about our location, his job, and I may change names to protect the innocent. Happy, Honey?? Don't worry! Those of you who know us will know who I'm talking about... And if you don't, there's probably a reason!

So... off we go!


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the blog! I did try once but didn't get past the first post...maybe this will inspire me to try again :)

You've been officially added to my Bloglines feed so I'll be sure to catch all your posts!

Vonn** said...

Yay! So happy to know that you will be a part of the blg world.
I'm so addicted to reading blogs and this is much easier than sending emails to everyone.

PS...Gabi is so cute! I hope to see and you again one day.

Vonn** said...

OOPS....I meant to say...I hope to her and you again one day.

Vonn** said...

Darnit...did it again...aaaarrggh!